Russia tells US envoy that Russian-American relations are on the verge of rupture: Live Ukraine updates – USA TODAY

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Ukrainian families say goodbye or fight back as Russia moves into west

As Russia’s assault on Ukraine moves west, men say goodbye to their families as they board buses and trains for safety in Western Europe.
Correction: The previous version of this video misidentified a location.

Jessica Koscielniak and Michelle Hanks, USA TODAY

The Russian Foreign Ministry said Monday that it had summoned the U.S. ambassador to warn that President Joe Biden’s recent remarks have put Russian-American relations on the verge of rupture.

Biden last week described Russian President Vladimir Putin as a “war criminal” as Russia’s missile attacks on Ukraine cities intensified. The Foreign Ministry, in a social media post, called the statement and other references to Putin and the Russian invasion “unworthy of a statesman of such high rank.”

The ministry warned Ambassador John Sullivan that hostile actions taken against Russia would be met with a “decisive and firm rebuff.”

The warning came hours after Ukraine firmly rejected a Russian offer to open two safe corridors out of Mariupol in exchange for the city’s surrender as the relentless missile strikes on the battered seaport city stretched deeper into a fourth week.

Russian forces, facing stiff resistance against their invasion of Ukraine, have sought to gain control of cities but can claim few successes thus far. The Kremlin says its “special operation” is going as planned. But a senior Pentagon official, who spoke on condition of anonymity Monday, said Russian President Vladimir Putin has not achieved his goals and is relying on bombardment of cities in a “near-desperate” effort to gain momentum.

Mariupol, crucial for its access to the Sea of Azov, has been pounded by Russian artillery since the war began more than three weeks ago. Russian forces have been accused of bombing civilian shelters, and hundreds of thousands have recently fled the city.

Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk made it clear that Mariupol won’t fall without a fight.

“There can be no talk of any surrender, laying down of arms,” she told Ukrainian Pravda. “We have already informed the Russian side about this.”

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Latest developments

►Russia reopened bond trading on the Moscow exchange Monday for the first time since the country invaded Ukraine. Stock trading remained closed.

►AP video journalist Mstyslav Chernov has recounted his harrowing experience as the only international journalist, along with AP photographer Evgeniy Maloletka, in besieged Mariupol before fleeing last week. “We were the last journalists in Mariupol. Now there are none,” he said. Read Chernov’s account here.

►Russian forces shelled an ammonia plant in Sumy district, releasing a toxic ammonia cloud. Emergency services are dispersing it, and no casualties were immediately reported.

► President Joe Biden was hosting a call Monday with French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to “discuss their coordinated responses to Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified attack on Ukraine,” the White House said.

Russian forces appear to be running short of precision-guided weapons, said a senior Pentagon official, who spoke on condition of anonymity Monday. The so-called “smart bombs” use lasers and satellites to guide them to their target while the Russians increasingly are relying on “dumb bombs” – less precise weapons that put civilians at greater risk, the official said.

Russian commanders continue to have problems communicating and directing their forces in Ukraine, the official said. Commanders are using unsecured communication lines that can be intercepted. Ukrainian airspace remains contested, and Russian pilots are not flying far or often into Ukraine, fearing the air-defense systems – including long-range and shoulder-fired missiles that are being used with “great dexterity,” the official said.

Russia’s targeting of civilian areas could be an attempt to force Ukraine to make concessions in negotiations, the official said. In Ukraine, Parliament Member Dmytro Gurin said Russia is trying to starve Mariupol to strengthen their positions in ceasefire talks.

“Russians don’t open humanitarian corridors, they don’t let humanitarian convoys enter the city, and we clearly see now that the goal of the Russians is to start to (create) hunger (in the city) to enforce their position in the diplomatic process,” Gurin said. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell accused Russia of committing war crimes for the “indiscriminate” killings in Mariupol. 

Mariupol is not the only city to have felt Russia’s wrath, and about a quarter of Ukraine’s population has been displaced because of the violence, according to the United Nations. Ukraine’s population has already been declining for years, dropping from over 50 million in the 1990s to 43 million in 2022.

Now, more than 10 million more Ukrainians – or roughly 25% – have either been displaced inside their country or have fled as refugees to other countries as Russian forces continue their besiegement of residential communities.

Britain is accusing Russia of using an imposter to pose as the prime minister of Ukraine and calling two government ministers. Home Secretary Priti Patel and Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said they were called, and Wallace said he briefly spoke with the imposter. Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s spokesman, Max Blain, said the government is concerned Russia will use doctored versions of the calls for it disinformation campaign.

“He posed several misleading questions and after becoming suspicious I terminated the call,” Wallace said. “No amount of Russian disinformation, distortion and dirty tricks can distract from Russia’s human rights abuses and illegal invasion of Ukraine. A desperate attempt.”

Patel called the effort a “pathetic attempt at such difficult times to divide us.”

Actor Mila Kunis and husband Ashton Kutcher have raised $35 million in humanitarian relief for the people of Ukraine through their fundraiser on GoFundMe. Kunis, who was born in Ukraine, and Kutcher exceeded their initial fundraising goal of $30 million thanks to the donations of more than 70,000 people.

“We are overwhelmed with gratitude for the support, and while this is far from a solve of the problem, our collective effort will provide a softer landing for so many people as they forge ahead into their future of uncertainty,” Kunis said in a video.

Freight forwarder Flexport and nonprofit will facilitate aid efforts by “transporting humanitarian aid to known NGOs on the ground” and “providing free, short-term housing to up to 100,000 refugees fleeing Ukraine,” Kunis and Kutcher said.  

Kunis, 38, was born in Chernivtsi, a southwestern Ukraine city of about 250,000 people, in 1983. Her family emigrated to the United States in 1991.

Rasha Ali

The Chinese Red Cross will provide Ukraine with another $1.57 million in humanitarian aid, Chinese officials said Monday. The agency has provided Ukraine with at least three batches of humanitarian supplies, including milk powder and quilts for children, in recent weeks, said Zhang Jun, China’s representative to the U.N.

The U.S. has urged China to join the West in sanctions against Russia aimed at pressuring President Vladimir Putin to end the war in Ukraine. China has refused to condemn Russia or refer to its offensive as an invasion. Chinese officials say NATO expansion pressured Russia into striking Ukraine last month.

Russian shelling destroyed a shopping center near the city center of Kyiv, killing eight people and injuring at least one, according to emergency officials. The force of the blasts shattered every window in a neighboring high-rise in the densely populated Podil district.

Despite a ”continued lack of progress,” Kyiv remains Russia’s primary military objective, according to British military officials. Heavy fighting continues north of the city in north-central Ukraine, but “the bulk” of Russian forces remain more than 15 miles from the center of the city, Britain’s Ministry of Defense said in an intelligence update. 

“Russian forces advancing on the city from the north-east have stalled,” the update reads. “Forces advancing from the direction of Hostomel to the north-west have been repulsed by fierce Ukrainian resistance.”

The ministry says Russia will likely prioritize attempts to encircle the city in the coming weeks. 

– Bailey Schulz

President Joe Biden will travel to Poland this week after Thursday meetings with NATO, G7 and EU leaders in Brussels. On Friday, Biden will travel to Warsaw, where he will meet with Polish President Andrzej Duda to discuss how the U.S. and its allies are “responding to the humanitarian and human rights crisis that Russia’s unjustified and unprovoked war on Ukraine has created,” a White House statement read. 

Over 2 million Ukrainians have fled to neighboring Poland as refugees, according to the United Nations. 

Biden’s trip to Europe will not include a stop in Ukraine, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki tweeted Sunday.

– Celina Tebor

After Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy pleaded for help and a stronger stance against Russia’s attack from Israel, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said the country is managing its involvement with Ukraine and Russia “in a sensitive, generous and responsible way while balancing various and complex considerations.”

Israel has condemned Russia’s invasion but has refrained from taking action that would anger Moscow out of concern of jeopardizing its military coordination in neighboring Syria, according to the Associated Press. 

In a video address to the Israeli parliament Sunday, Zelenskyy urged the lawmakers to take action against Russia and accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of trying to carry out a “final solution” against Ukraine. The term was used by Nazi Germany for its genocide of some 6 million Jews during World War II.

“Our people are now wandering in the world, seeking security as you once did,” said Zelenskyy, who is Jewish.

– Bailey Schulz

New Zealand plans to provide $5 million New Zealand dollars ($3.5 million) in non-lethal military assistance to support Ukraine. Funds will primarily go toward the NATO Trust Fund, which provides fuel, military rations, first aid kits and more to Ukraine.  

“This is the first time New Zealand has provided direct funding to a third party organization for non-lethal military assistance of this kind,” Prime Minister Jacinda said in a statement. “By contributing directly to the NATO Trust Fund, Ukrainian forces on the ground can benefit from the additional assistance immediately.”

New Zealand will also make a variety of surplus defense equipment available to share with Ukraine, including body armor, helmets and vests.

– Bailey Schulz

Deputy national security adviser Daleep Singh said Sunday that the U.S. has the ability to broaden its sanctions against Russia

“(We can) take the measures, take the sanctions we’ve already applied, apply them in more targets. Apply them to more sectors,” Singh told CBS’ 60 Minutes. “More banks, more sectors that we haven’t touched.”

“It’s mostly about oil and gas, but there are other sectors, too,” he said. “I don’t want to specify them, but I think (Russian President Vladimir) Putin would know what those are.”

When asked what Putin would need to do to have sanctions lifted, Singh said “we’re nowhere near that point.”

“The first thing (Putin) has to do is to stop a reckless and barbaric attack on the civilians of Ukraine,” he said. “That’s not happening.”

– Bailey Schulz

Following weeks of Russian forces besieging residential cities and the Ukrainian military attempting to sever supply lines, Western governments and analysts say Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is beginning to become a war of attrition. But what does that mean?

Attrition warfare refers to wearing down an opponent to the point of exhaustion. One of the most well-known examples of a war of attrition was World War I, which consisted of lengthy and prolonged battles, largely fought in trenches. 

Britain’s defense intelligence chief said last week Russia was shifting to a ”strategy of attrition” after unexpected pushback from Ukrainian forces and failure to capture its largest cities. Chief of Defense Intelligence Lt. Gen. Jim Hockenhull said Russian forces’ new strategy “will involve the reckless and indiscriminate use of firepower. This will result in increased civilian casualties, destruction of Ukrainian infrastructure and intensify the humanitarian crisis.”

Mariupol’s city council accused the Russian military of bombing an art school Sunday where about 400 people had taken shelter. Days earlier, Russian forces bombed a theater in the strategic port city where civilians took shelter.

– Celina Tebor

More coverage of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Contributing: Associated Press

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